Nutritional Wellness

Nutritional wellness is a reflection of our approach to eating. It focuses on improving health through incorporating healthy eating patterns into your daily life. Children who lack nutritional wellness can have less energy and less interest in learning, which can negatively impact their cognitive development and academic performance. Good nutrition, along with physical activity and a healthy body weight, can help decrease your risk of developing chronic health problems such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Nutritional wellness can also contribute to healthy sleeping patterns and energy levels, and even lengthen your lifespan.

Goals for Your Nutritional Wellness

  • Educate yourself about good nutrition.
  • Embrace a healthy diet that you can follow for life.
  • Try to eat out less often and cook and eat more at home. Try to slow down when eating.
  • Trying to lose weight? Set SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound.
  • If you’re trying to develop new eating habits, you’re more likely to succeed if you make a plan ahead of time.
  • Seek support from family and friends in your efforts to eat healthier.

Nutritional Wellness Resources